A Monkey With Cymbals


A selection of projects so far:
"The Masks of Aphra Behn" written and performed by Claire Louise Amias, and directed by Pradeep Jey is an Off West End award-winning show (OffComm) which received multiple 4 star reviews and was affiliated to the successful Aphra Behn Statue campaign. It toured the UK in 2023 including Jermyn Street Theatre in the West End. It was originally part of the RADA Festival 2017 and Women and War Festival July 2016. The show had it's first UK tour in 2017. A one woman show about the first professional female playwright (and spy).
"Oranges & Ink" written by Claire Louise Amias, performed by her and Sarah Lawrie, and directed by Alex Pearson. The play premiered at the Tristan Bates Theatre in the West End in 2019, before touring. It streamed in the Off Online Fringe Festival 2020 and it was nominated for an Off West End 'OnComm' award. It received numerous 4 star reviews.
"The Notorious Mrs Ebbmith" written by Arthur Wing Pinero, adpated for audio by Claire Louise Amias and directed by Pradeep Jey. This is A Monkey With Cymbals' first audio drama, which was recorded remotely in January 2021. The project is sponsored by Aspire Leadership and is a fundraiser in aid of the charity, Refuge. More information about the project and listen to here: https://amonkeywithcymbals.podbean.com
To find out more about the history of the play take a look at our teachers' pack available here: http://bit.ly/ebbteachpack
"Memory Of The Other" devised and performed by Pradeep Jey and Claire Louise Amias, written by Sophia Kingshill, directed by Jonathan Rigby and performed at the RADA Festival 2014. We received ACE funding for this project.

Company Overview
A Monkey With Cymbals is a small-scale theatre company started in 2009 by actor / theatre-makers Claire Louise Amias and Pradeep Jey.
The company has worked on a number of projects, ranging from a one-woman show about the world's first professional female writer to a devised multimedia play about memory and friendship. The company won an Off West End 'Off Comm' Award and has previously received Arts Council development funding.

Copyright, all rights reserved 2012